College Now Syllabus
Mon 9/28 No class
Wed 9/30 "We Kissed the Tomato and then the Sky (33)
Mon 10/5 "One Voice" (76)and "Thinking" (171)
Wed 10/7 "A Letter to a Child Like Me" (179)
Mon 10/12 "The Lesson" (181)
Wed 10/14 "Poets in the Kitchen" (196)
Mon 10/19 "The Joy of Reading and Writing" (71)
Mon 10/19 Writing Assignment 1
Wed 10/21 "Black Hair" (240)
Mon 10/26 "Forty-five a Month" (254)
Wed 10/28 "Free and Equal" (261)
Mon 11/2 "A View of Affiramtive Action" (269)
Wed 11/4 "The Lottery" (321)
Mon 11/9 "Stone Throwing in India" (329)
Wed 11/11 No School
Mon 11/16 Writing Assignment
Wed 11/18 "Janushinka" (419)
Mon 11/23 "Honor Bound" (417)
Wed 11/25 "To The Border" (400)
Mon 11/30 "One of These Days" (437)
Wed 12/2 "Dead Man Walking and Writing Assignment 3
Mon 12/7 Dead Man Walking
Wed 12/9 Dead Man Walking
Mon 12/14 Movie
Wed 12/16 Final Exam