Monday, November 23, 2009

To the Border

Read "To the Border" page 400. Reply by Tuesday night at 8pm.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "To the Border" by Richard Rodriguez is a narrative conversation between Richard and his father. His father had crossed the Mexican border in search for riches, leaving behind loved ones. This story was rather confusing for me because of its complex structure and format. Each paragraph symbolizes another person's voice, I believe. At least, I know that the story is divided into a series of vignettes. I really liked this part : "It is a journey from tu- the familiar, the erotic, the intimate pronoun- to the repellent usted of stranger's eyes." (401). In a way, I think it symbolizes how difficult it was to adapt to strange new land. Tu was seen as Mexico, where his family and friends resided. Usted, on the other hand, symbolizes United States where he had to go for his family but resented because it was foreign and distant. I believe that Richard was trying to emphasize the 'honor' that one feels in replacement of the loneliness. I liked how the father implies that the city corrupts the children. There's a strong emphasis on the idea of men in Mexico. They're seen as strong and silent. "The male can admit longing, pain, desire." (402). "The male is responsible. The male is serious. A man remembers." (401). I'm not sure but I think this narrative has a framed structure in which the ending lead back to the beginning. I'm not sure if it's the same person who waits and quickly makes his escape into the foreign lands. It probably is, I don't know. Also, I think this narrative can have several interpretations because the author didn't really point out what he really wanted to say.

    Thoughts, anyone?

  3. Summary

    The story "To The Border" by Richard Rodriguez is about the experiences of Richard and his father. Richard's father had talked to Richard about his experience of crossing the American-Mexican border and having to leave his passion about various aspects of Mexico and his family. Mexican men had to work in the American farmlands. Richard said that Mexican men were meticulous in that he talked about a man named Fidel who had sent everything he had to his family back home in Mexico. Richard described Mexicans as people who are really nice to each other in their villages and as people who experience poverty. This story consistently uses the phrase "I I'll send for you or i will come home rich", which is common in most immigration families in that immigrants in the U.S would seek fortune to send money back to their poor homelands.

  4. 1st review: Amy

    I also think that is story is too wishy-washy. It wasnt adherent and couldnt get its message out. Also, nice conception that you thought that tu means Mexico and usted is the U.S.

  5. the story of "To The Border" by Richard Rodriguez is about a the narrator's experience when he just came to the U.S. He tlk about how the Mexicans were poor and they were kind to each other in Mexico. The Mexicans are farm workers in America. The narrator also tell us that he sent money and good thing back to Mexico. I immigrated to the US with my family four years ago. In the first year we came to the US, my mother do the same thing as Richard did too. Although my family is not consider as a poor family(I think), my mother sent money back to China for my grandmother. She only did that in the first year, because she wants to prove to my grandmother that she lives happy in here. So my grand-mother does not have to worry about her.

    I think this story is vague about its main idea too. I really didn't get the main idea of this story.

    I agree with your point. It is true that in most immigration families in that immigrants in the U.S would seek fortune to send money back to their poor homelands. Not only the poor people do that, but also the other people that's not poor. I think most immigrants did this too when they just came. And they believed they will have a better life here.

  6. The story “To the Border” by Richard Rodriguez is based on narrator's own story. The story was about the incident between Richard and his father who talked to Richard about his own experience of crossing the Mexican border to come to U.S. I find this story very similar to today's situation where there is still thousands of people form different countries coming to America to achieve their “America Dreams”. It is quite sad since one have to leave his/her own country and everything behind like family, friends and coming to an unfamiliar country. I think is the ambition that keeps people coming to foreign countries even if the country didn't promise them anything good.

  7. The short story "To the Border" by Richard Rodriquez was about the immigration of Mexicans to the United States. Traveing across the border is tough. In the story, the man only had a plastic bag with two shirts, two pants and two underpants. My favorite line was "Your plastic bag is your mama, all you have left: the yellow cheese." It was also about how many people go for new opportunities and a better life. Many have families at home and send all their earnings to them, while they themselves stay poor. An example was the janitor named Fidel, who lived in a garage. Basically, once you cross the border, you become a man.

    Amy, i agree that the man is longing, they desire. I think they are more appreciative than the ones who are born with these benefits.

    Brian: "I will send for you or i will become rich" that quote is very inspiring. I think it is the primary goal of all mexican americans.

    Li Jun Chen: I too have migrated here from my country. My father actually came before my mother and i so he can make enough money to send for us.

  8. @ Li Jun
    Thanks for sharing your own experience, I do agree with you that most of the immigrants that come to U.S. is not only for their own goods but also for their family, provides them with better lives. I don’t think your mom only sent back money in her first year, she probably sent money back when you're not around.

  9. 2nd review: Rong Li

    I agree with your point that ambition that keeps people from wanting to come to America even if the country didnt promise them anything because in the media, there are various articles about the U.S and its high reputation in economics and other areas, so they believe that coming to America would automatically make them wealthy but actually one would have to study really hard to earn a high standard of living in the U.S

  10. 3rd review: Li Jun

    I agree with you that immigrants come to the U.S for the sake of their families and themselves.

  11. @ Amy
    I agree with you that this story is pretty confusing; I didn't really get the ideas of this story very much. There is a lot different analysis towards the story.

  12. @ Brian
    I agree with you that it is pretty hard for the immigrants since they have to leave their homelands and go to a strange place. “I’ll send for you or I will come home rich” I find this quote very persuasive either sends their love ones here or going home rich. I think this is the goal for all immigrants that come here by themselves.

  13. "To the Border" by Richard Rodriguez was basically a conversation between the author and his father. Mexico was poor so the man crossed the border into the US. I understand the author saying that once you cross the border, you become a man. One could go through so much when traveling out of their native country.
    I agree what you said that the format was a bit confusing. I was able to catch the gist and aspecct of the story.
    I also like the line about the plastic bag and how that is your "mama".
    @Rong Li...
    I also thought it was sad to leave your family behind. I have no idea what i would do in that situation.

  14. 3rd review:
    @Rong Li-
    I agree with you that is the ambition that keeps people coming to foreign countries even if the country didn't promise them anything good. More and more immigrants keep coming to the America.

  15. Richard Rodriguez's "To tThe Border" is based on the author and his father's conversation. The conversation is about the acrossing the border line from Mexico to US. As Bong Li had mentioned that "there is still thousands of people form different countries coming to America to achieve their “America Dreams”."
    I used to have American Dream that if I came back to here(I lived in Korea for seven years), I will have something that I really longed for. However, the reality is of course not. It's totally different from I expected.
    @Bong Li- I agree with you that itis the ambition that keeps people coming to foreign countries even if the country didn't promise them anything good.

    @Amy- Yeah the story is kind of confusing so I had to read for six times to figure it out.

    @Brian-I think that "I will send for you or i will become rich" is the biggest goal of many immigrants todays

  16. This story surely portrayed how people suffer to come across the border and achieve their dreams. Many leave their country in search for an"American Dream" and "for a better life" though all this might be factual reality is that despite all the struggles people go through to come here what they find is not very sufficient enough.:( sadly. leaving their family behind just to support them better people come for a better life and to resolve their financial problems.

  17. everyone: this was one of the most confusing story we have read thus far
    Amy: i agree with you; people who are born here fail to regonize all the previledges they have compared to people who actaully suffer and struggle to get here.

  18. This story sort of reminded me of my family. All of my family came here in America to have a better life, financially. Everyone believes that there's more opportunity here and I agree.

    @jeanette- it was a struggle when i came here so i agree with you.

    @amy- i had to read a few times too.

    @rong li- i was sad to leave my grandparents behind =(

  19. The short story "To the Border" no need to even say it, it's added to the heartbreaking series in the book "Across Cultures." Richard's father shares with Richard a moment to tell him the tale of how he came to America. The sacrifices and the reason to strive at a better future. Most people have come to the United States of America through the border. Is it easy? I cant answer from personal experience but I'm sure it is. Others have said someone always dies on the road to the USA. It happens in really life often several times.

    @ Amy- You're right this was a confusing story compared to the others that we have read.

    @ Brian- I hadn't thought of that until just now when you mentioned it. People have been using it as an excuse. Both poor and rich people attempt to send their earnings or any money they have left over to their country to help them out.

    @ ChuchuLIKESCheese- lol yes that line was something else. It was so meaningful and stood out that when i heard it, it me me wake up since i had been extremely tired the entire day.

  20. Lols, I love how everyone agreed with me about the confusing part. Hahaha ~

    @Chuchu. Was that your favoritte line because your screenname is ChuchuLIKESCheese? LOL! Just kidding. I can't believe you noticed that men [that had to travel from one area to another because of their family] are more appreciative than the ones born with benefits because it's so true. I know families whose parents are hardly home because they travel so much. Then again, who's sake is it for, you know? So, in a way, it's a win-lose situation?

    @Li Jun. That's really thoughtful of your mother! My aunt does that though. She's the one that financially supports my grandmother. I really don't know why but I think there was some sort of agreement over who would send money, etc.

    @Brian. "I agree with your point that ambition that keeps people from wanting to come to America even if the country didnt promise them anything because in the media, there are various articles about the U.S and its high reputation in economics and other areas, so they believe that coming to America would automatically make them wealthy but actually one would have to study really hard to earn a high standard of living in the U.S" That's one really LOOONG sentence. LOL! I bet you didn't even notice. Also, I also agree with you and Rong Li because it's the simple idea of achieving something and having a goal that makes you push forward. It's your "drive" in life. I also agree with you, Brian, because people from other countries do make assumptions that everything is easier here in the United States. (Maybe it is, I don't know). From what I can tell though, America is definitely one of the most hardworking, diligent and probably the one that works the longest hours. Dunkin`Donuts wasn't kidding when they said, "America runs on Dunkin`" because of the amount of coffee we drink daily.

  21. The short story, To the border by Richard Rodriguez talks is a conversation between a father son who discuss the crossing of the Mexican border. This story talks about the immigrant's ambitions when he has when coming to the US. It talks about the great American dream of coming here and earning money, being released of the poverty they faced in their home villages. This story was not as heart touching as the other ones but gave a very strong message.

  22. @amy
    I agree with you that the story is confusing because of the format it is written in. I personally had to read it 3 times to fully understand what the story was all about

  23. @ayesha
    I agree with u when u say that people who come here for a better life, even though they come from a worse situation than here they still aren't happy

    @Rong Li
    I agree with you that even though nothing is promised in the US, people readily agree to come here even if it meant leaving behind your family and friends.

  24. To The Border by: Richard Rodiguez is a conversation between Rodriquez and his father. In this conversation, father and son discuss crossing the Mexican border. I think a person has to have a lot of courage and determination to come to another country. It is such a scary thought to go to a new place with new people with really nothing you are familiar with. It is hard to leave behind all the people that you love and are close to. I think that even though that this is a very hard decision to make, if it will better your life, it is worth it. For me, this story was not as interesting as all of the other stories we have read so far.

    Amy: I totally agree with you, I found this story rather confusing. It probably didn’t help that I was really tired when I read this story but I really didn’t understand what was coming on until I re read it. I found that really interesting as well, it is difficult to adapt to a strange new land but at the same time, it is brand new experience and you don’t know what will happen.

    Li Jun Chen: I really liked how you related this story to yourself. I often do that. I find a lot of stories really more meaningful if you can relate it to yourself or people you know.

    Rong Li: I agree with you, it is really sad for a person to go to a new place and leave everything that they know and love behind. Ambition and determination for something better really is important if you want to move to a new country.

  25. "To the Border" reminded me of a movie i saw in spanish class last year. They were both related because they were about mexicans crossing the border into U.S. I thought it was a great story. It was a story i think many immigrants can relate to.

    @ayesha: i agree with you, it was really confusing.
    @chuchu: i liked that line too! lol
    @amy: i agree with you about the same thing with ayesha, it was confusing. lol

  26. The short story "To the Border" by Richard Rodriquez its about a boy who is told by his father about things his father had to go trough when his father was young. all hard work he did to help the family. everything he dreamed of having and never had because of the difficulty of the time. his father mentions " you are lucky, boy" saying that not only his son but this new generation it's lucky because this is the technology era where you can get lots of stuffs by touching a screen, making a phone call and all that sitting in the couch of your living room. in the old times things were harder. children could not go to school because they had to work to help support the family. these hard times that people think are over still prevail. children still dream about going to school,about having nice toys but they cannot. this technology which is spreading , unfortunately did not spread all over the world yet. some people still do not know how to operate a computer, do not have electricity, do not have access to television and so. this story teaches a lot to people who are sticked to the present and are unaware of the hard past their parents and grandparents went trough.

  27. @ Noorulain: i think you are right but my point of view about the story was beyond that. that does not mean that you are wrong though. i agree with your point of view as well.

  28. @ madeline: it is hard to move anywhere, even if it is to another town. if it is hard in our days immagine 40 years ago where there were still in some way discrimination against Spanish people. i like the stories in the book, in all of the stories that we read so far i kind off connected to it, i always try to relate whatever i read to the world i live. i think you should do the same maybe you will have a different opinion about some stories.

  29. @ Diana llanos: many want to come to America. there are many opportunities in this country and many would give their lives to come here. many make so many sacrifices, many make hard decisions, many go through "hell" but unfortunately not all make it. and about people coming to america through the border well it is risky to the ones who pass illegally. so people put sometimes their freedom in jeopardy just because of coming to America.

  30. At first "To the Border" confused me in the style it is written. Then, when I finally understood what was happening, I realized that the style of writing made the author's messages more effective. The scenes changed often, and I liked that the picture in my head flashed from one scene to the next with each paragraph.
    Madeline: "For me, this story was not as interesting as all of the other stories we have read so far." I agree and disagree with you. I agree that the storyline was not as interesting as the other stories we've read, but I disagree because I think the style in which the story is written is by far one of the most interesting ones we've read so far.
    Jeanette: "I understand the author saying that once you cross the border, you become a man. One could go through so much when traveling out of their native country." I was thinking the exact same thing.
    Brian Ngyuen: This story consistently uses the phrase 'I I'll send for you or i will come home rich'..." I love that this phrase is consistently used throughout the story.

  31. The short story "To the Border" written by Richard Rodriguez is about immigration of Mexicans to the United States. The story tells about the experiences of Richard's father when coming to the United States. He had crossed the border because Mexico was a poor place. He left in search of a better life. Richard's father sacrificed many things to help his family have a better life.

    @ Ayesha
    I agree that people struggle to get here but in the end they realize it wasnt worth it. Most of the time they leave their family behind so they would be able to support them.

    @ Diana Llanos
    I disagree with you, if many people die when trying to cross the border, how could it be easy?

    @ Madeline
    I agree, someone has to have a lot of courage and determiniation to come to a new country. Adapting to new people, new culture, and a new life must be very difficult.

    @ Augusta
    I agree that our new generation is lucky. We have technology that we can simply do anything. In the past, people had to work hard to get something.

  32. To The Border by Richard Rodiguez was a great story. Is told in the fathers point of view when he had to immigrate to America as a young boy with his family. A person would have to have a lot of guts to cross a broder illegally knowing the consequences they would have to take if they were caught. This story by far reminded me of "KITE RUNNER" BY Khaled Hosseini. Because they both shows how a family had to migrate to a different country and had to face so many different things they usually wouldn't go through.

    2nd Review: @madeline I like what you wrote because when you have to move to a new country that you know nothing about you are faced with anxiety and many different thoughts of your soon to be new home.

    3rd Review: @Augusta I also liked what you said because in our day in age a lot of people are ungrateful for the amount of technology we have i the United States. Just to think other countries such as Afirca and Thailand doesn't necessairly have the technology we have. I can say that i am 100% grateful for the things we have such as T.V.S, games, computers, and cellphoness and many other things. I SWEAR WHAT WOULD KAYLAAA DO WITHOUT TALKING ON THE PHONE I WOULD GO CRAZYYYYY !
